When They Turn Their Abuse Onto the Kids

The Survivor Center
3 min readJan 17, 2023

How many times have you questioned your decision to leave the narcissist abuser? The post-separation abuse towards you is excruciating. But even more heartbreaking is when your kids return home to you after a visit with their father and you realize he has turned his abuse onto them.

As you get stronger, your boundaries get healthier and more firm, and as you hold to those boundaries, the ex is no longer getting narcissistic supply from you. There’s no more back-and-forth because you’re no longer buying into his tantrums.

He has to get his supply from somewhere and since you’re no longer providing the fueling, the kids are his prime targets. It’s heartbreaking to know that your kids are suffering his wrath.

It can be tempting to rescue and protect them by giving in. You’d rather take the abuse yourself than to watch them be abused on a deeper level.

There’s a huge risk to giving in. Your kids will learn how to function in their adult lives from their parents. If you take the abuse on yourself and allow the ex to get his main supply from you, then your kids will have only one home that is 100% abusive. They will likely end up in the same kind of relationships.

But when you hold firm to your boundaries and learn ways to protect your kids in your own home, you are providing an…



The Survivor Center

Co-Parenting With a Narcissist Expert & Coach. 24-year survivor of narcissistic abuse & fierce momma bear. Connect with me @TheSurvivorCenter.com