When the Narcissist Withholds Your Kids

The Survivor Center
3 min readNov 21, 2022

It’s very common for a narcissistic ex to withhold your kids from you in several ways.

They show up late to drop off the kids.

They don’t allow the kids to call you during their time (which is a form of physical abuse because they are physically restraining the kids from talking to you).

They brainwash the kids into thinking that you don’t want to talk to them or manipulate them into saying they don’t want to talk to you (a form of psychological abuse).

Sister, document the times he withholds the kids. Frame these instances as abuse because that’s exactly what they are. When he doesn’t allow the kids to say hi to you at a soccer game, when you haven’t heard from the kids the whole week they were with him, document it as abuse!

Then if/when you go back to court, you can verbalize this in a way that the court will understand. You can say that your children have told you that he physically won’t allow them to call you. He is withholding the children from contacting their mother or having a relationship with their mother.

In all of this, remember that everything he does is about you.

His number one goal in life is to hurt you.



The Survivor Center

Co-Parenting With a Narcissist Expert & Coach. 24-year survivor of narcissistic abuse & fierce momma bear. Connect with me @TheSurvivorCenter.com